Posted by on Oct 14, 2016 in | 0 comments

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Outside the taxi the traffic is insane, men peddling prehistoric bicycles while balancing loaves of flat bread on their head weave between several lanes of cars, scooters and apparently suicidal pedestrians.  Despite the density of vehicles, we’re still somehow moving fast. High on Cairo’s energy (and perhaps its pollution), I’ve begun adapting to the craziness. So instead of praying for survival, I’m happily chatting to the driver while listening to the most famous rock band in town. Cairokee (appropriately the name means ‘sing along with Cairo’) meld poetic local lingo, inspiring vocals and catchy western rock logic. The band was also instrumental in depicting the solidarity of the Egyptian people during the 2011 revolution.

Read the full story here.

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Check out Cairokee’s YouTube here.